The North Shore Vintage and Classic Car Club is managed by an elected committee comprising a wide range of business, financial and practical experience. We are financially secure and are committed to a long-term strategic plan to improve all aspects of our facilities, member benefits and community relationships and support.
Each June we hold a formal Annual General Meeting to elect the committee who are responsible for the management of all aspects of the club and ensuring that we abide by our constitution and rules. The current committee and other appointed club officers are listed below:
Club Committee
Chairman: John Higham 09-478-7973
Vice Chairman: Terry Flude: 021 958 678
Secretary: Maurice Whitham 09-627-0310 or 027-296-9293
Treasurer: Ross Moon 09-426-1508 or 022 426 1508
Club Delegate: Tony Sparkes 09-473-5872 or 027-499-5588
Club Captain: John Castle 09-4794135
James Liu: 021-0274-4158
Barb Stubbs: 0274-938-195
Andrew Lunt: 027 499 6803
Stuart Battersby 022-471-2759
Arnold Van Zon 09-473 5750 or027 276 5336
Members’ Garage Manager: Kevin Lord 09-413 9157 or 027 235 0142
Welfare Officer: Brian Bisset 09-554 1740
Librarian: Kevin Benseman 022 678 5629
Beaded Wheels Correspondent: Richard Bampton 09-947 3042
Magazine Editor: Wade Alexander 027 272 2130 - email: