1936 Morris Eight 4-Door Sedan
This vehicle was generously donated to the club by the late Noel Baker of Herald Island, Auckland.
The history of the car as documented by Noel is as follows:-
Around 1997 a person by the name of Noel Lane approached a good friend of Noel Baker’s, the late Les Parkinson who owned Parky’s Jaguar Repairs Ltd, Kumeu to restore his family’s 1936 Morris 8. Les was not keen but eventually agreed. The car was then stored in Coatesville and restoration did not begin until around 2008. Some way through the restoration Les approached Noel Lane for payment of the work completed up to that date. Unfortunately, Noel Lane advised Les that he could not afford it because he had just gone through a costly divorce and that Les could keep the car as payment of the outstanding invoice.
Les did not complete any further work and really did not want the car. With his health deteriorating he sold the vehicle to Noel Baker on the 25th March 2010 for the sum of $6,000.00. The official data given to Noel Baker at the time was limited but he believed it was a 1936 with a registration plate of BN4781. Somewhere along the line a 1937 Morris 8 had been used as a donor car. The registration plate of this vehicle was KB1937. The body and chassis from this vehicle were used in the restoration of the 1936 along with some other parts.
Noel Bakers health deteriorated in 2015 and he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. With nobody in his family wanting the car he approached the Morris 8 Register with an offer to donate the 90% completed vehicle to them. They had nowhere to store the vehicle and advise him to contact our Club because we had the facilities to finish the vehicle and store it.
On the 12th February 2016 the club took delivery of the vehicle and completed the registration and certifying process. The vehicle has been completed and sits in our storage shed along with our other finished projects. It is used for club and community activities.
Please click on the photo below for more pictures of our Morris.